UC Library Online Resources

UC Library Online Resources

Checkpoint Edge

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Alternate Title(s)
Checkpoint Tax
Thomson Reuters Checkpoint, a research service that combines the various types of tax documents into one database. These include "editorial materials" and "primary source materials." Explanation & analysis ("editorial") IRS Tax Code IRS and Treasury Dept regulations Legislation and legislative history Tax court case law Revenue Rulings and Letter Rulings Updates and new developments
Resource Type
Coverage Type
Coverage Dates
Vendor or Contributor
Thomson Reuters
Access Restrictions
Access restricted to current Utica University students, faculty and staff.

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Frank E. Gannett Library

Frank E. Gannett Library

1600 Burrstone Road
Utica, NY 13502-4892
(315) 792-3041
(315) 792-3361 (fax)

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